Safeguarding Courses: Safeguarding in Sport (4 hours), Safeguarding Adults and Children (7 hours), Safeguarding Adults (4 hours), Safeguarding Children (4 hours) 

Safeguarding Courses: 
Safeguarding in Sport (4 hours) 
Safeguarding Adults and Children (7 hours) 
Safeguarding Adults (4 hours) 
Safeguarding Children (4 hours) 
At Think Mental Health we prioritise the Health and Wellbeing of ourselves and others, and recognise that we all have a responsibility for the protection of children, and adults with care and support needs.  
We have several courses under the safeguarding umbrella and can be flexible depending on your training needs. All of our safeguarding courses will equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to identify risk, manage intervention and act responsibly to protect yourself and others in challenging circumstances. 
Focus areas: 
Module 1: What is safeguarding? 
Module 2: Recognising Safeguarding Concerns 
Module 3: Understanding the impact of Safeguarding Issues 
Module 4: Real-life stories 
Module 5: Responding to Safeguarding Concerns 
Module 7: Reporting Safeguarding Concerns